Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Education and Decision

The Divine Miss M is off to a new course today (good luck, Miss M!) and my lovely Son C is home with this head cold that has apparently been plaguing Brisbane.  I caught it last week, probably from friends, and he has it this week.  We’re a sharing and caring kind of family!!  :-)

I’ve been concerned about his high school of choice for next year.  Our local public high school is nothing to write home about, and to be truthful, I was very nervous about sending him there due to our previous experiences.  We had applied as out-of-catchment students to two other high schools, and I got a “thanks, but no thanks” letter from the first.  I was completely shattered, I must say, but I guess that speaks of how highly these schools are rated.  Son C is a fairly high-achieving student, and I didn’t foresee any concern getting in, but there’s some competition out there for Brisbane high schools.  And private was never an option for this single-parent family.

What about you?  Is high school a big decision in your family?  I come from a public education background, but there is so much pressure from the community to send our students private. 

Sunday, 29 July 2012

Sewing creativity

I re-discovered my love of sewing after deciding to make a bunny rug for my lovely friend.  I don’t think I’ve pulled my little Janome out in probably five years, but it was just so refreshing and invigorating to reawaken that creativity.

I’ll try to add in a photo shortly of the finished bunny rug.  Now, I’m no quilter, so I very much made it all up, but it was absolutely divine in the end.

Which of course led me to dig out all those old half-finished or never-started projects, I’ve almost finished a simple princess line with  gorgeous side panels, and then I dragged out another simple, straight dress design for work. 

I also found an idea for turning an old men's shirt into a pencil skirt.  I can't locate the website where I found it, but google it, and I'm sure you'll come up with some ideas.  I confess, it's not quite as simple as I imagined it, but I'm still working on it.  

So, I am sewing up a storm.  

Chicken soup for the soul!!


Hi all!!  These are just my random musings on the joy of running a household, with two kids, whilst working full-time, and just generally trying to keep my head attached to my shoulders!!

Enjoy the ride with me!!