Sunday, 1 December 2013

Menu Planning Monday

Well, as the possibility of us buying a house and moving in 52 51 days becomes more of a reality, and I need to keep as many $ spare to ensure I have legal fees, spare mortgage while the townhouse rents out, and all the little repairs that are necessary for the townhouse, menu planning has become my best friend.

And catering to Son C is becoming more difficult as time goes by.  He would be a little Junk Food God if I allowed him (and I have given him the latitude to spend his pocket money as he pleases, so he certainly gets enough opportunity!) but of course I try not to get any during the week.  But I find when we are home, he is so engrossed in whatever game/social media he is playing, that dinner time becomes more of a battle, he eats less because he is in such a hurry to get back to what he is doing, and as a growing 13yo, he is hungry again by 9:00pm when the computers go off.  Does anyone else battle with this?

So, in no particular order, and allowing for leftovers, we are eating this week:

Spaghetti bolognaise 

Roast chicken 

Chicken drumsticks and potato salad

Chinese-style pork and rice, with vegetables 

Chicken schnitzels , chips and salad

And of course, I like  to do a home-made pizza on a Sunday night, because I’ve usually just been grocery shopping and have no inspiration!!  

What’s your go-to meal on a Sunday night?

Make Your Soul Shine :-)